Tag Archives: resource

10 Easy Steps To Become A Stress-Free Designer

Designer or not, everyone might succumb under the pressure of work. The load keeps on piling, deadlines approaching at alarming rates and the list goes on. However, we all can think of ways to organise ourselves so that the stress doesn’t get to us. Here’s a few that might help you: 1. Quality over quantity

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18 Best-Sellers You Cannot Miss

If you have already had a chance to browse through Designs.net, you have most likely already figured out that we have a very wide variety of products. Need a flyer? No worries, we got you covered. Oh, you need tickets for an event you’re planning? Well, you can check out our amazing selection of ticket

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Top 3 Vector Websites You Have To Bookmark

The dawn of internet has made a significant difference when it comes to how designers acquire vectors and designs and other graphic elements. It also offers a wide avenue for many designers and art enthusiasts alike to showcase and monetise their art works at affordable prices. Designers appreciate designs with quality visuals in the form of vector

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Pitching your designs for the first time

As a designer, you are always going to be exposed to a lot of experiences; but one of the most important life lessons that can make or break your career is pitching your projects or designs. Having an amazing portfolio is great! It’s as good as having cool creative ideas, but not being able to

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10 Web Design Tutorials for Beginners

What do you feel when you hear the words “Web Design”? You might feel like it’s something very complicated and even scary; something not many people do and certainly something you could never learn. Well, I’m here to tell you that web design is not so complicated to learn after all. I mean yes, it

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