Category Archives: Blog

Top 3 Vector Websites You Have To Bookmark

The dawn of internet has made a significant difference when it comes to how designers acquire vectors and designs and other graphic elements. It also offers a wide avenue for many designers and art enthusiasts alike to showcase and monetise their art works at affordable prices. Designers appreciate designs with quality visuals in the form of vector

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15 Ways To Motivate Your Designer

Getting one’s creative juices to constantly flow can be a challenge, especially for designers who need an unlimited supply of creativity. For designers, motivation has to be more than a paycheque. As creative human beings, a designer’s basic needs include the following: encouragement time and space to think a good relationship with their boss time

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4 Amazing Infographics For Startups

Did you know that petroglyphic drawings in primeval time can surely be considered as the first infographics ever? About 3000 years BC, the ancient Egyptians use infographics to tell stories about life and religion. Nowadays, if you search “infographics” in Google you will get 51 million results! So, what are infographics and why are they

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10 Motivational Posters For Designers

From inspirational posters to motivational posters. Our community understands the struggle of being a freelance designer. That is why we came up with 10 motivational posters just for you! We recommend using it for your mobile wallpaper to motivate you as you go about your daily routine. This does not just apply to designers,

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